Thursday, January 19, 2012

Straight from their Own Mouths

Here's what some of York County's youth had to say about the challenges and solutions to attendig school.

Their  biggest challenges to coming to school were:
- No baby sitter (or unreliable child care)
- Illness of self or child
- Family issues/drama
- Just plain tired

The solutions they came up with were:
- Better access to quality daycare
- Go to sleep earlier to help with exhaustion and better health
- Better access to medical and mental health services
- They recognized they needed to stay motivated to attend

The rewards they came up with if they obtain their short and long term goals:
-personal satisfaction with graduation
- personal satisfaction by staying focused
- better stipends
- use of cell phones during lunch (this was a huge hit!)
- choosing better lunch options (they are not happy with the food)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Fortitude Crew

Following our second group mentor/mixer activity of a Pancake and Bacon Breakfast held Thursday, December 15th in partnership with the CA Active Living Senior Center, I sat back and just thought, "I am truly fortunate."  It is an exciting and yet overwhelming privilege working with the Crispus Attucks YouthBuild High School students. They are a phenomenal group of young adults ranging in age from 16 to 21 years old. Not a day goes by that I am not belly laughing over some dished out, razor-witted banter. Or awed by the tender parenting displayed for one of their own, young children. Sad to say though, those amusing and touching moments are often balanced by the heartbreaking experiences our young people live day in and day out.

But if you look up "resiliency" in the dictionary, you would find pictures of most of our students. They truly define "bouncing back". One of the keys to sustaining their "bounce" is to partner them with a caring adult, a mentor, who is able to help them navigate their high school experience along with the transition into post-secondary training or the job market. The time commitment we are asking is 4 hours a month for approximately 15 months.

We have 45 students (and counting!) who agree with that statement and have signed up to participate in our mentoring program called, Fortitude Crew. Anxious and responsible does not begin to describe how we feel about recruiting capable mentors to fulfill their expectations. As we reach out into our York City community for adults who are energized but understandably patient, we are hoping you will want to join us in this journey. Please, contact Dawn Squire at Crispus Attucks YouthBuild for more information about being a mentor. phone: 848-3610 ext 243 or email: