Friday, September 23, 2011

And here we are...

This past Wednesday, September 21, 2011, marks one year since the York County Truancy Summit.  This past Wednesday, September 21, 2011, was the second training session of the York County Youth Court Alliance, piloted at William Penn Senior High School in the School Distirct of the City of York.  And this week, the week of September 26, 2011, we introduce our website.  We have come a long way since Judge Uhler's $250 budget 15 years ago and none of this would have been possible, or as successful, without your help.  Thank you, York County!

What exactly are we doing?

Pop Quiz:
a. Allowing youth the opportunity to make decisions based on their training, experiences and perspectives.
b. Instituting methods for data collection, accountability, and informed decision-making
c. Implementing intervention and prevention methods across York County, inclusive of all school districts, all ages and all needs
d. Approaching school boards to adopt ONE uniform defintion of, and response to, truancy and chronic absence
e. Preparing to present to the parents of incoming PreK, Kindergarten and 1st graders to discuss attendance policies
f. Establishing promising practices and partnerships between school districts and businesses
g. Blazing the path to a collaboration between schools and the medical community
h. Facilitating meetings between various stakeholders around responding to, and solving, truancy issues
i. Representing York County on various statewide workgroups focused on truancy prevention and intervention strategies
j. Creating a website that can act as the "go to" resources for truancy prevention and intervention strategies in York County and Pennsylvania.
k. All of the Above.

And the answer is...K! 

The most recent accomplishment is our website.  The website is intended to be a platform for the good news of our school districts, a bridge between needs and resources, a one-stop-shop for truancy prevention and intervention strategies, a data collection portal, and an opportunity for discourse.  Please browse our website - - and provide any feedback you may have!

Finally, this wonderful website is the product of the hardwork and dedication of two wonderful community VOLUNTEERS!  Bertha and Alex, your patience and persistence are unparalleled.  Thank you for all that you have done (and are going to do!)

For any responses to our website or to the Truancy Prevention Initiative in general, please email me at

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