Friday, March 9, 2012

The Importance of Early Warning Signs

There are some very sobering education statistics out in recent years that simply cannot be ignored.  For example, did you know a sixth-grader who is failing Math has only a 1 in 5 chance of graduating high school? Robert Balfanz, a Johns Hopkins University researcher has created system of evaluating such data and determining the outcome for the youth involved.  Balfanz is just one of many researchers that have painstakingly studied the data surrounding struggling youth in this country.

Through researchers like Balfanz, we now know that a middle-school aged student who is failing English has only a 1 in 8 chance of graduating high school. We know that as that same student progresses, he will begin to ‘tune out’ school, develop discipline problems and become truant.  We also know that a truant high school student with already present academic and disciplinary issues, has only a 1 in 10 chance of graduating. So how do we stop this and where do we start?

The short answer? Early Intervention.  Identifying struggling students and intervening as quickly as possible is such a big part of this equation. Through intensive educational research we are able to now identify potential drop-outs way before high school and often times, well before middle school.  Additionally, we can offer services to these students to help combat the core reasons WHY they are failing, truant or both.

York County has incorporated the following list of early warning indicators as part of it’s Attendance Protocol:
-School districts will designate an individual responsible for recording the following Early Warning Indicators in third, sixth and ninth grades:

  • Number of students in each respective grade with four or more unlawful absences
  • Number of students in each respective grade with three or more office referrals
  • Number of students in each respective grade with a 65% or lower in English
  • Number of students in each respective grade with a 65% or lower in math
(Any student who has just one of these indicators is at risk of dropping out)

Find more information on the importance of early warning signs, educational research and reform at DROPOUT NATION a blog written by RiShawn Biddle, a former editorialist for the Indianapolis Star.

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